Life is the greatest gift God has given to us… it’s up for us to utilize and make it flourish…. we only have one shot at it and make it well as long as possible. Life offers no money back assurance; certain practices can assist in boosting your chances of living longer….
Below are five actions into consideration, every action can add years to your life and life to your years.
1. LAUGH – the famous words, “Laughter is the best medicine”. Indeed laughter is the best medicine or at least of the best I should say…
It is the natural opponent to stress: every time you laugh, your body releasing different hormones that combat stresses and letting them go away…
Tress can certainly inflict mayhem on your body and eventually decrease years from your life, everything that combats stress will aid you to live longer. Laughter also amplifies the immune system, regulates blood pressure, catapults the blood flow and oxygen to other parts of your body such as muscle, organs and some vital organs.
2. Remember that EXERCISE definitely the key to a long life. Recent study show that those who engaged in exercise like running, yoga, aerobic etc., almost daily added up to 3.7 years of their life.
In fact, exercise can also decrease stress and diminishes the development of heart diseases which is the leading cause of mortality among Americans. According to Center for Disease Controls estimates that 250,000 mortality each year in the US are because of inactivity.
To cut the story short, exercise can prolong your stay in this world. In every hour that you work out, adds up two hours to your lifespan.
3. Getting a PET. Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. Aside for being friendly, compassionate and playful, pets are also life prolongers.
Various studies have shown that having a pet decreases person’s blood pressure, boost self-esteem; reduces the mortality rates of heart attack victims, decreases depression, lowers cholesterol, alleviate stress and boosting family happiness.
4. FRIENDS and STRONG FAMILY TIES. Harmonious relationship with people can also boost your lifespan by seven years. Spending time with friends and family will have less stress in their life.
Keeping old friends or just making new friends and making it to family gatherings on a regular basis will extends your life but also enhances it.
5. Drink WATER. It is easy, simple and a life saver. Alkaline water can do wonders and provide you an alkaline body that it pretty much the key to a longer life.
Alkaline acid water maintain your digestive system properly working, keep you hydrated and aid to manage your weight and also to reduces risk of having various diseases.
Drinking water which is a part of an alkaline diet can also diminish possibility of getting constipated, kidney stones, stroke and heart attacks.
Published on 2013-12-18 15:58:22